Sunday, January 5, 2014

Cheers to a New Year

Happy New Year!  We just took our tree and decor down today, so it definitely feels like a clean, fresh start.

Ahh, another year come and gone.  As usual, December flew by with getting the house ready for Christmas, buying gifts, baking, some very busy, but much needed days off from work.  And boom, before you know it, 2014 is upon us.  We have a bunch of things planned for this year, so it'll be interesting to see how it all turns out.

My highlights of the year include turning 30, a very cool trip to Iceland, taking on a new role at work, creating an outdoor space at home, another fabulous trip to our fave vaca spot, Hawaii, and trying new recipes in the kitchen and broadening my picky palette. 

One of my favorite dishes of all time is a good rigatoni alla vodka.  There is a local Italian place that makes one of the best vodka sauces, and that is the only thing I'll order from there.  Recently I've been able to recreate that sauce at home, so who needs to go there anymore?  ;)  Unfortunately I keep forgetting to take a picture, so I'll hold off on sharing the recipe. 

Instead, here's another recipe that I just came up with in the new year.  For NYE, hubs and I went to a Thai restaurant we're really fond of, which unfortunately isn't too close by.  Not all Thai restaurants offer "Chicken Noodle Soup," so when I tasted it, I had forgotten how much I enjoyed the flavor profile of the cilantro, ground chicken, and scallions.  While in the market, I was looking at produce, and saw cilantro and scallions, I figured why not try and make it at home?  I figured it would take very few ingredients and voila, it's now a recipe I plan to make often.  (I could not seem to find a recipe online for it.)  Very comforting especially in this cold weather! 

Thai Chicken Noodle Soup
(2 servings)
  • 3 cups chicken broth
  • 1/2 cup of roughly cut cilantro
  • 1/4 cup diced scallion
  • 1 small bundle of vermicelli
  • 1/8 tsp white pepper (more to taste if needed)
  • 6 ground 1" chicken balls (actually have not added these yet, since none at hand)
1.  Heat chicken broth in a pot until it starts to steam
2.  Add chicken balls and cook thoroughly through
3.  Add vermicelli until loose/softened
4.  Add cilantro and mix, to let flavor seep into soup
5.  Add white pepper, mix, and then scallions
6.  Let soup sit for 2 minutes, take off heat, and serve.


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