Tuesday, May 21, 2013

News Junkie

I feel super guilty that I've neglected this blog a bit.  I keep on intending to update, but something comes up and I just push it off.  I'll try to be better about it going forward...

On my mind right now - the devastation from the tornadoes in Oklahoma.  Hurricane Sandy was bad, but at least we had more than a 16-minute warning to get out of there to safety.  I can't even fathom what experiencing a tornado is like, and hope I never have to.  I wiki'd "tornado" to read up on them a bit, and learned that an area of the US is known as "Tornado Alley."  I had always known certain states were susceptible to tornadoes, but not this specifically.   

I am currently trying to figure out where to make our donation to help those in OK - do I go with the Red Cross, which I've donated to before, or try for a different organization?  I just want to make sure funds are going specifically to the cause that it's intended for.  Red Cross seems to be the go-to organization for this kind of disaster relief.

You know what - every little bit helps, and I can't help but admire when celebrities or sports figures of the sort, whose salaries are basically public, make a donation, in this case, Kevin Durant, of the Oklahoma City Thunder.  It's just great to see those types lend a helping hand and make such generous gestures.

I have to admit that I am a self-professed news junkie - I love to know what's going on in the world, even though unfortunately it's more often bad news than good.  I think for the most part it's beneficial to me, but at the same time, it can hurt because I feel myself worrying about the possibility of similar things happening in my own life.  And with Twitter, which I basically joined to constantly get news bits all the time, it's been so easy to keep up with everything, in almost real time.  I need to step back though, and try to get back to some of the other things I enjoy doing.   

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